Braveheart - This movie follows the life of William Wallace (Mel Gibson). A Scottish peasant who, after the murder of his Brother and Father by the evil English is taken away and brought up by his Nomad Uncle. After his travels and education he returns to his home village, where he meets his childhood love to whom he marries in secret. After a short romance, his sweetheart is also murdered by the English and this leads to the legend of William Wallace. He begins a rebellion against English which eventually triggers Victory for the Scottish over their English counterparts.
The battle scenes in this movie are extremley realistic and incredibly gory so be warned. The speech by Wallace given to his Scottish army just prior to the initial battle is so passionate that it will give you a shiver down your spine. It's no wonder this movie won Best Picture at the Academy Awards.
Trivia - Although this movie is a 5 star film. It is not entirely historically accurate. Wallace did meet the dreadful end portrayed in the Story but according to history, he fled Britain to Mainland Europe where he was eventually captured.
great movie starred and directed by mel!
online cinema
This movie is one the best modern movie of that time. Great performance of all the actors and the cinematography is just too good. Thanks for sharing the information in the blog.
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